The Future of Surveillance: Cloud-Based Alarm Servers and Security Evolution

Security plays a central role for everyone, and our focus should especially be on advanced surveillance systems. New technologies, particularly cloud-based alarm servers, play a key role in addressing the challenges of modern surveillance systems. Here, we take a closer look at the future development of surveillance and the significant role of the cloud, with New Voice as an experienced provider in the spotlight.


Challenges of Modernity

The requirements for surveillance systems are complex and diverse. Conventional solutions reach their limits when it comes to adaptability, scalability, and real-time responses. Thus, cloud-based approaches offer innovative solutions to these challenges.

New Voice’s Cloud Solution

Why MobiCCloud?


An adaptable platform for alerting, mobilization, evacuation, information distribution, and personal protection.


Ready for use without the need for complex local infrastructure, allowing for quick implementation.


Alarm reception on all device types and easy management through a user-friendly web portal.

Real-time Communication:

Swift evaluation and real-time status display for effective responses.

Cost Efficiency:

Low initial costs and an optimized software lifecycle for long-term economic viability.

The Diversity of Cloud Models

New Voice provides various cloud models, including public, private, and hybrid options, to meet individual requirements. These models enable flexibility, resilience, and monitoring of local infrastructure.



The future of surveillance is significantly influenced by cloud-based solutions. Invest in the flexibility and efficiency that these technologies offer to meet the growing security demands of our dynamic world. As an experienced partner, New Voice is ready to assist you in designing a secure and future-ready infrastructure.

Real-time monitoring and control: how cloud solutions improve alarm response

In an age where unforeseen events can disrupt operations at any time, the need for real-time monitoring and control is more important than ever. Traditional alarm systems often fail to provide timely and accurate information, leading to delayed responses and potential consequences. Cloud-based solutions are revolutionizing this landscape by providing instant access to data, allowing for quick decisions and responses.

  1. Unleash the power of cloud solutions:

Cloud solutions bring scalability, flexibility and efficiency to real-time monitoring and control. By leveraging cloud infrastructure, organizations can seamlessly integrate various data sources, from IoT devices to security cameras, creating a comprehensive and unified monitoring platform. This integration ensures a holistic view of the environment and enables a faster and more informed response to alarms and potential threats.

  1. Improved connectivity and accessibility:

One of the key benefits of cloud-based real-time monitoring is the ability to access critical information from anywhere, at any time. This enhanced connectivity allows security personnel, managers and decision makers to monitor and control alarm systems remotely. Whether it’s a security breach, an equipment malfunction or a threat to the environment, cloud solutions provide the flexibility needed to respond quickly.

  1. cost-efficient and scalable solutions:

Cloud-based real-time monitoring and control offers a cost-effective alternative to traditional infrastructure. With a pay-as-you-go model, organizations can scale their monitoring capabilities as needed, eliminating the need for costly upfront investments. This scalability ensures that organizations of all sizes can benefit from state-of-the-art security solutions without breaking the bank.

MobiCCloud the cloud-based solution from New Voice

In the quest for greater security, companies need to harness the transformative power of cloud solutions for real-time monitoring and control. That’s why we at New Voice have developed MobiCCloud. By leveraging the agility and accessibility of MobiCCloud, organizations can take their alarm response strategies to a new level. In a world where every second counts, MobiCCloud offers a proactive approach to protecting assets, ensuring continuity of operations and ultimately benefiting everyone involved. Learn more!

Enhancing Alarm Server Resilience with MobiCCloud

In today’s technology-driven world, the reliance on alarm servers for emergency response is more crucial than ever. However, ensuring their uninterrupted operation poses significant challenges, particularly in the face of unexpected disruptions. Leveraging cloud solutions for emergency recovery is paramount, offering scalability, redundancy, and automation to minimize downtime and maintain operational continuity.

Cloud-based disaster recovery solutions provide a robust framework for mitigating risks and ensuring resilience. With scalable infrastructure, organizations can swiftly allocate resources to handle increased loads during emergencies without compromising performance. Additionally, the distributed nature of cloud platforms enhances redundancy, mitigating the impact of hardware failures or network outages.

Furthermore, automated failover mechanisms enable seamless transitions to backup systems, minimizing data loss and ensuring rapid recovery. Regular testing and simulation exercises are essential to validate emergency recovery procedures and identify any weaknesses in the system.

In addressing these challenges, MobiCCloud emerges as a powerful solution. Offering a comprehensive suite of cloud services, MobicCloud enables organizations to deploy scalable, resilient infrastructure tailored to the unique needs of alarm servers. With its robust disaster recovery capabilities and automated failover mechanisms, MobicCloud ensures seamless operation and rapid response to emergencies.

In conclusion, leveraging cloud solutions like MobiCCloud is essential for enhancing the resilience of alarm servers and maintaining public safety. By embracing scalable infrastructure, redundancy, and automation, organizations can mitigate risks and ensure uninterrupted operation in the face of emergencies.

Integration of Cloud Alarm Servers: Challenges and Solutions for a Secure Future

In an increasingly interconnected world, cloud alarm servers play a crucial role in various industries. However, the integration of such systems across different sectors poses challenges. This blog post highlights the common difficulties and introduces MobiCCloud by New Voice, an innovative cloud solution that not only overcomes these hurdles but also provides cross-industry flexibility and security.

The Challenges:

Diverse Cloud Models: Choosing between public, private, or hybrid clouds requires precise considerations regarding security, availability, and integration into existing infrastructure.

Security and Data Privacy: Transmitting sensitive alarm data demands the highest security standards to prevent unauthorized access.

Complex Integration: Incorporating process control technology, IoT solutions, and other technical components requires seamless integration to ensure effective alarm and evacuation processes.

MobiCCloud – The Solution:

MobiCCloud by New Voice presents itself as a comprehensive cloud solution with the following features:

MobiCCloud is an innovative platform that adapts individually to the needs of different industries.

Ready for use without complex local infrastructure, MobiCCloud provides maximum availability.

Easy management through a web portal enables alarm reception on all device 

Real-time Communication:
Real-time evaluation and status display ensure rapid responses to critical

Cost Efficiency:
Low initial costs and an optimized software lifecycle offer long-term cost

The “Watchdog as a Service” enables remote monitoring of local infrastructure for maximum reliability.

Overall, MobiCCloud by New Voice offers a comprehensive, flexible, and reliable solution seamlessly integrated into any existing infrastructure. Trust in the 30 years of experience from New Voice and ensure maximum security in your company.

Learn more about features, applications, and our cloud models.

Scalable Security: The Role of Cloud Solutions for Growing Alarm Infrastructures

The need for scalable and efficient alarm infrastructures is becoming increasingly important. As security requirements increase as companies grow, conventional methods of managing alarm systems often prove to be inadequate.
New Voice has its very own solution to this problem: MobiCCloud.

In the following article, we explain the central role of cloud solutions in providing scalable security measures for growing alarm infrastructures:

What are the challenges of growing alarm infrastructures?

As companies grow, so do their security needs. Traditional alarm systems therefore often struggle to keep pace with business growth, which in turn leads to gaps and vulnerabilities. Given the increasing complexity of security threats, it is important to deploy solutions that can be seamlessly adapted and scaled.

1. The scalability advantage of cloud solutions:
Cloud-based security solutions offer unparalleled scalability, allowing organizations to expand their alarm infrastructures with ease. Whether it’s adding new sensors, integrating additional sites or handling a larger volume of data, cloud solutions provide the flexibility needed to scale security measures in real time.

2. Cost efficiency through the cloud:
Cloud solutions eliminate the cost of hardware and infrastructure. This not only reduces initial costs, but also allows companies to pay for the resources they use, which promotes cost efficiency.

3. Improved accessibility and management:
Cloud-based security solutions enable remote management and monitoring, allowing security teams to access real-time alarm data from anywhere in the world. This accessibility is especially important for companies with multiple locations or those that take a decentralized approach to security management.

4. Robust data security and compliance:
Security is the name of the game when it comes to alarm systems. Cloud providers invest heavily in advanced security measures, including encryption, authentication and access controls. In addition, reputable cloud solutions often comply with industry-specific regulations to ensure that companies meet the required standards for data security and privacy.

5. Integration capabilities for comprehensive security:
Cloud solutions integrate seamlessly with various security technologies, enabling a holistic and comprehensive approach to alarm management. Integration with video surveillance, access control systems and analytics tools improves the overall security posture and provides a unified view of the entire security landscape.

6. Real-time analysis and incident response:
Cloud solutions use advanced analytics and artificial intelligence to provide real-time insights into alarm data. This not only helps with the immediate detection of potential threats, but also enables a proactive response to incidents. The ability to analyze large amounts of data in real time is a key advantage for companies that want to stay one step ahead of emerging security challenges.

New Voice’s MobiCCloud offers you all of the above advantages and much more. MobiCCloud is the solution for alerting, mobilization, evacuation, information distribution and personal protection directly from the cloud. The cloud solution from New Voice is particularly impressive thanks to factors and features such as flexibility, availability, accessibility, cost efficiency and real-time communication. Above all, the focus here is on reliability.

Contact us for more information about MobiCCloud.

Enhancing Facility Security with Cloud-Based Alarm Servers: A Dive into Flexible Solutions

In the rapidly evolving landscape of facility management, the demand for advanced security solutions has become paramount. As modern facilities face increasingly sophisticated threats, traditional security measures are often inadequate. Enter the era of Cloud-Based Alarm Servers, offering flexible security solutions that are revolutionizing the way we manage and safeguard our facilities.

The Evolution of Facility Security

Facility management has transitioned from manual, labor-intensive processes to technologically-driven solutions, and one area where this transformation is most evident is in security systems. Traditional alarm systems often struggle to adapt to the dynamic needs of modern facilities, prompting the integration of cloud-based technologies.

Unveiling MobiCCloud: A Cutting-Edge Security Solution

One standout player in this space is MobiCCloud, a revolutionary platform developed by New Voice International. MobiCCloud brings together the power of cloud computing and advanced alarm servers to create a dynamic and responsive security ecosystem. To understand the impact of MobiCCloud on modern facility management, let’s explore its key features:

  1. Cloud-Powered Agility:

MobiCCloud leverages the scalability and accessibility of cloud infrastructure. This allows for real-time monitoring and instant response to security incidents, breaking free from the limitations of on-premises systems.

  1. Customizable Security Solutions:

Flexibility is at the core of MobiCCloud’s design. Facility managers can tailor security protocols to the specific needs of their environment. Whether it’s adjusting sensitivity levels, defining access parameters, or integrating with existing systems, MobiCCloud ensures that security solutions are not one-size-fits-all.

  1. Seamless Integration:

The synergy between MobiCCloud and existing facility management systems is seamless. This ensures that security becomes an integral part of overall facility operations, rather than a standalone component. The platform harmoniously integrates with other technologies, enhancing the overall efficiency of the facility management ecosystem.

The Role of Cloud-Based Alarm Servers in Facility Management

MobiCCloud is not just a security system; it’s a paradigm shift in how we approach facility management. The use of cloud-based alarm servers introduces several advantages:

  1. Remote Accessibility:

Facility managers can now oversee and control security measures from any location. This remote accessibility ensures that responses to potential threats are swift and informed.

  1. Scalability:

As facilities expand or change, so can the security infrastructure. Cloud-based solutions like MobiCCloud are easily scalable, adapting to the evolving needs of the facility without the need for extensive hardware upgrades.

  1. Data Insights for Informed Decision-Making:

MobiCCloud doesn’t just provide security; it generates valuable data insights. Facility managers can analyze patterns, identify vulnerabilities, and make informed decisions to enhance overall security strategies.

Facility Management Redefined

New Voice International’s commitment to modern facility management is evident not only in their cutting-edge technology but also in their holistic approach to security. By seamlessly integrating MobiCCloud with their broader facility management solutions, they are spearheading a new era in comprehensive, intelligent, and flexible security.

In conclusion, cloud-based alarm servers like MobiCCloud are reshaping the way we perceive and implement security in modern facility management. As threats become more complex, having a dynamic and adaptable security solution is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Embracing these technologies is not just an upgrade; it’s a commitment to the safety and efficiency of our facilities in the 21st century.

Transforming Facility Management: MobiCall by New Voice and the Revolutionary Role of Alarm Servers.

In the dynamic landscape of facility management, the advent of advanced technologies has become synonymous with enhancing security and operational efficiency. One such technological marvel that is reshaping the way facilities approach security protocols is the alarm server. Alarm servers, in general, have emerged as revolutionary tools, streamlining alerting, evacuation, and information distribution in professional environments. In this exploration, we delve into the transformative impact of alarm servers on facility management, with a particular focus on MobiCall by New Voice – a trailblazing solution that epitomizes innovation in Unified Alarm Event Communication.

The Evolution of Facility Management with Alarm Servers:
As facilities grapple with the ever-evolving challenges of ensuring safety and security, the traditional methods of managing alarms and emergencies have proven insufficient. Enter alarm servers, sophisticated platforms designed to comprehensively integrate an organization’s communication infrastructure. These servers act as the nerve center, connecting various elements such as machines, devices, sensors, and personnel, to ensure the swift and efficient transmission of vital information during critical situations.

The Paradigm Shift:
Alarm servers mark a paradigm shift by offering prompt alerting and evacuation solutions, enabling a well-coordinated response to emergencies. The ability to seamlessly distribute critical information to relevant stakeholders has become a hallmark feature, maintaining order and safety in the face of unforeseen events.

Real-time Insights and Adaptability:
Beyond traditional alarm systems, these servers bring real-time positioning capabilities into play. This innovation enhances situational awareness, providing decision-makers with precise tracking and location-based information. The adaptability of alarm servers to different industries and environments underscores their versatility, offering tailor-made solutions for
diverse security challenges.

Now, let's zoom in on MobiCall by New Voice:

MobiCall: Redefining the Alarm Server Landscape:
New Voice International, a pioneering force in security, telecommunications, and information technology, introduces MobiCall as a revolutionary alarm server that goes beyond conventional expectations. With a legacy of over 7,000 successful projects globally, New Voice has established itself as a leader in Unified Alarm Event Communication.

Brand-Independent Flexibility:
What makes MobiCall particularly noteworthy is its brand-independent nature. The platform remains open, modular, and continuously scalable, allowing organizations to integrate it seamlessly with their existing systems. This flexibility ensures that MobiCall evolves in tandem with the changing needs of the facility.

Tailor-Made Solutions for Every Scenario:
MobiCall sets itself apart by offering tailor-made solutions for various security scenarios – be it responding to emergencies, managing fires, silent alarms, or ensuring lone worker protection. The platform seamlessly integrates into an organization’s communication infrastructure, creating a cohesive network for the rapid transmission of critical information.

In conclusion, the impact of alarm servers on facility management cannot be overstated. They represent a revolutionary leap in security and communication, offering a robust solution for the challenges faced by modern organizations. MobiCall by New Voice, with its innovative approach to Unified Alarm Event Communication, stands as a beacon of efficiency and adaptability. As we navigate the future of facility management, the integration of advanced alarm servers like MobiCall becomes not just a choice but a necessity in ensuring the safety, security, and resilience of our built environments.